I just wanted to share with you that my husband Miles received one of your units for Christmas in 2012 and it quite literally saved his life. He was diagnosed with gastroparesis which literally means his stomach is half paralyzed. He was vomiting everything, including fluids and blood but the Drs. couldn’t find the source, even after swallowing a miniature camera to view his digestive tract. Two weeks after starting alkaline water, he started getting his strength back because he was finally able to hold food down again. He stopped having problems with acid reflux and his joints stopped aching even though he has Rheumatoid arthritis. Thank you for giving my vivacious husband back to me. Smiles. P.S. Our unit was stolen, yes they’re that good, so we’re getting another one. Thanks again!– Tina L.
“I’d read all the articles online I could about water ionizers and how they work but to be honest medical theories were a little over my head. After using it for just a few days, I don’t care how it works, I just know that it does! I feel GREAT! It’s like a water filled energy box! Your water ionizer is my new best friend! I wake up, say hello to my Ionizer (‘Ion’ for short) and fill up my big water bottle and go to work knowing I am starting my day right.”

– Marley, San Diego

 For More Details Visite ::https://yy249.isrefer.com/go/aqua-9/galante/

– Carol, Sherman Oaks CA