Questions are very powerful things.
Think about it for a minute, every major
discovery from airplanes to computers - all
of them, where created because someone had
enough guts to simply ask a question.
Today’s Important Question is:
"What do you do, when you are broke?"
Put in another way,
"what can you do right NOW to raise
c@sh in an emergency situation and
how can you do it CONSISTENTLY?"
Many years ago, I asked a friend
this same question and guess what the answer was?
He said to me - "Sell Something!"
I asked myself, what do I sell with SPEED and EASE
that people will fall over themselves to buy INSTANTLY?
Here is an illustration to help you get the answer.
==> Why are you reading this mail now?
You want to "Know" What do do
==> Why do people buy newspaper every day?
They want to "Know" what is happening in town
==> Why do you have a TV at home? Exactly!
To "KNOW" the latest news, trends, music, etc
==> The number ONE and most visited website on planet earth
is what? GOOGLE.
People visit Google because they want to "KNOW" something;
they are in search of ONE important thing and that thing is
called >>>> INFORMATION.
Information is a world 'CURRENCY'. And it is the one thing
that you can sell NOW that people will fall over
themselves to buy INSTANTLY?
Information is Solution.
And if the information you have will
bring 'relief from pain' and a clear solution to the
problem that an individual is facing, and the individual
desperately wants to solve his problem URGENTLY, they
will trip over themselves to p.ay you for it.
I give you an example:
Just last week, I sold information packages worth N550, 000
from my website and by sending ONE email.
When You are broke, the FASTEST way to raise
c@sh is to sell INFORMATION.
Whether you are a business owner, employee or just plain jobless,
if you know how to do it right, you can build a comfortable life
out of selling information on the internet.
When I began doing business on the internet,
5 Resource materials that helped me build a
very profitable business. You can have
access to ALL them
For good HEALTH go here:
Saturday, 3 September 2016
Sunday, 28 August 2016
Simple Ideas to Help Nigerians Make Money from Facebook
Here is how to make money from Facebook guaranteed!
Seriously, how would you like to earn ₦50,000 or more from Facebook on a weekly basis? Interested? I'm sure you would!
In that case, this web page shows you in explicit detail how to make money from Facebook on an ongoing basis.
You will also learn lots of strategies, tips and tricks to use in exploiting this home business opportunity that you can take advantage of right from the comfort of your home.
Do you have a profile on Facebook? I suppose that you do - because last time I checked, there were over one billion active users of Facebook, the No. 1 social networking site in the world, second only to Google in terms of website traffic.
Of that number, over five million persons are resident in Nigeria. And do you know the most interesting part of the matter? The number keeps on growing by the passing second.
However, if you do not have a profile on Facebook, head on right over now to create one. I will be right here waiting for you. To create a profile on Facebook now for free, click here.
Once you have done creating your profile, begin connecting with old friends, business associates, colleagues, old schoolmates and members of your immediate and extended family.
You can send friend requests to friends of your friends and include them in your Facebook friends in order to have a robust cycle of friends on Facebook.
Now to the Interesting Part!
There are two approaches to making money from Facebook.
- The Indirect Approach
- The Direct Approach
The Indirect Approach
The indirect approach to making money from Facebook require a great deal of effort and, funny enough, that is the route that many people often take in their internet marketing efforts.
With all the limitations and challenges of the solo approach, the inexperienced internet marketer often wonder why he or she fail to make money from Facebook after some time of having a go at it.
After a few tries using the indirect approach and they do not make any money, what do they resort to?
Bereft of all ideas, they give up and conclude that there is no money to be made from Facebook! After all, if there is any money to be made from the social network media, they would have long made it ever before other persons even tried!
So, what does the indirect approach involve? The indirect approach involves registering with some affiliate marketing company, such as Site Sell's, 5 Pillar Affiliate program, winthrillsnetwork.
Thereafter, you begin promoting the affiliate program through the posting of status updates and sending of personal messages to those in your Facebook cycle of friends.
How many people do you think that you will be able to convince to join the program in this way? Not many I assure you! that's why many people give up, after just a few tries at the indirect approach of making money on Facebook? Certainly not.
The best way to describe the indirect approach is to see it as someone having a monkey on his back that requires constant feeding and attention every single minute of the day and never leaves. That method is archaic and ineffective. Drop it!
Are you using the indirect approach? Then it is time to change! Why? Because you will never be able to make money from Facebook using the indirect approach - that's why! Or, if you make any money at all from this approach, it will never amount to much.
To buttress the above assertion, you need to remember the primary reason why people visit Facebook and other such social network media. People visit social network media for the primary reason to "catch fun" - plain and simple.
They are not avidly looking to be "sold" by some enthusiastic affiliate marketer. So they will subconsciously resist any attempt to sell anything to them. That is why if you send unsolicited messages to them, otherwise known as spam, you will not get the desired result from them.
But, even at that, a large majority of Facebook users are dissatisfied with their 9-5 desk jobs and would like to see a change, and fast too. Thus, they will respond to you, if only you use the right approach.
Consequently, you need to adopt a slightly different approach from the indirect approach. And what is that? It is the "Direct Approach".
The Direct Approach (involves marketing your product or services directly)
The direct approach to making money from Facebook is a better approach - by far. So, how does the direct approach work?
This method requires that you pull the efforts and resources of your cycle of friends and their own cycle of friends and the cycle of friends of your friends' cycle of friends.
Do you see the potential in this? As a matter of fact, the potential is limitless as you attract other like-minded individuals to your Facebook community. Using the direct approach, you cannot fail to see positive response and results within a short time.
The steps to using the direct approach are described below:
- First Step: Find a Product or Service that you wish to promote. If you wish to join an affiliate marketing company and promote their products and / or services, you may visit sites like to search for related affiliate programs to join and promote from your Facebook community page.
- Step Two: Once you have created a profile on Facebook, you should now be able to create a community page. The next step is to create a community page on Facebook with a catchy title, like Earn $250 Or More Weekly On Facebook.After creating a community page and uploading a logo for the page, invite all your friends to join your community page and encourage them to invite their friends to the group as well.
- Step Three: The third step is to create a 5-page free report centered around your niche or chosen subject area, that is the
service or product you sell.
- Step Four: The final step is to promote your community page either using Facebook ads or using a GSM short code and send it to all GSM numbers in your target area.
The most appealing thing about making money from Facebook is that you do not even need a website in order to promote your home business opportunity.
Need more info on How To Make Money From Facebook? If so... DROP YOUR COMMENT
Saturday, 27 August 2016
You want a reliable company . . . a company you can bank on, a solid company that is true to its word
You want a respected company . . . a company whose reputation will not destroy yours
You want a company with respected brands . . . respected brands that you can easily sell for profit
Affiliate Marketing Referral
Best Affiliate Marketing Program Nigeria - The Very Best Affiliate Marketing Referral Program. Maximize Your Profit!
Best affiliate marketing program directory Nigeria - Affiliate marketing referral program is a program set up by companies to recruit sales people, called affiliates, who are paid based on the volume of sales made.
The best affiliate marketing program as well as the average type affiliate programs have one thing in common . . . they pay their independent sales people or affiliates a percentage of their sales volume as affiliate commission.
This means that affiliates are sales partners (or associates) of the company who owns the affiliate marketing referral program.
You're here reading this because you already know the importance of joining the best affiliate marketing program. So, I won't bore you with the basics of affiliate marketing referral programs.
Nevertheless, I have one piece of advice for you . . . join the very best affiliate marketing program.
But how does one know the best affiliate marketing referral program?
It's simple.
Join the program that meet your profit goals.
Your Number 1 Goal - Profit Maximization
Let's be honest here.
What is your number one reason for wanting to join an affiliate marketing referral program?
Why are you looking for an affiliate or partner program to join?
Money, right?
You want to make money . . . and plenty of it.
Sure . . .
Yes, your commission is guaranteed if the company you decide to partner with is reliable and has respected brands that consumers love.
But when you're paid your commission, how much will it be?
If your earnings per month from the affiliate program is too small, you will soon abandon it.
Bottom line.
You want the highest possible earnings from any affiliate program you choose to join.
Therefore, the best affiliate marketing program for you is one that empowers you to earn the highest amount of money.
Since that's the case, the important question is, "what affects how much you earn from the affiliate marketing referral program?"
It's the affiliate program pay plan.
Affiliate Marketing Referral
Program - The Pay Plan
Affiliate programs from different companies have different pay plans.
The commonest affiliate pay plans are:
1. Linear pay plans
2. Two tier pay plans and
3. Unlimited tier pay plans
A linear affiliate pay plan is one that pays you a certain amount per sale and nothing more.
1,500 x 20).
For example, a particular affiliate program may pay you 15 percent of the sale price for each item you sell.
Consequently, if the product cost 10,000 Naira per unit, you will be paid 1,500 Naira for each unit you sell.
Suppose you succeed in selling 20 units of the company's products in a particular month. In that particular month you will be paid a commission of 30,000 Naira (that is, Let's talk about the two-tier pay plan.
The two-tier affiliate marketing referral program pay plan is one where you are paid in two levels.
First level - you get paid a percentage of the product sale price for the quantity you sell as described above
Second level - you get paid a percentage of the sales made by other affiliates you refer to the business
The two-tier affiliate program was developed by companies to enable them increase their affiliate population by paying affiliates for recruiting more people (called sub-affiliates) to join their affiliate program.
More affiliates mean increased sales for the company. And since the company is paying you for sales made by affiliates, it also means increased revenue for you.
For example, there is a particular affiliate program that sells a web-based software subscription priced at $299 per year.
The company runs a two-tier affiliate program.
First level - $75 per sale
Second level - $25 per sale made by your sub-affiliates
Suppose you sell ten subscriptions of this software in a particular month while your team of sub-affiliates sell 20. Your earnings for the month will be as follows:
First level sales = $750 (That is, 75 x 10)
Second level sales = $500 (That is, 25 x 20)
Total Earnings = $1,250
In summary, you earn more money from a two-tier program than a linear program.
More Payment Levels - Explosive Profits
There is a third payment plan that really explodes the profit of affiliates. This kind of payment plan pays affiliates in 4 levels.
Think about it.
Single level payment plan, two-tier payment plan, and 4 tier payment plan . . . which will make you richer sooner?
Sure, the payment plan that pays you across 4 levels.
In fact, this is the best affiliate marketing program there is whether you live in Lagos Nigeria, Abuja Nigeria, Port Harcourt, Benin city, Abeokuta, or anywhere else in the world.
In practical terms, it means that you could earn as much as 1.5 million Naira or more per month, every month, with 4 tier compensation plans while your friend partnering with a linear affiliate program company could earn just 50,000 Naira putting in the same time and effort as you did.
Believe me, 4 tier pay plan is the bomb!
Looking for the best affiliate marketing program to join?
You got it . . . join an affiliate marketing referral program that pays in at least 4 levels.
Here's the best part.
I am offering you an opportunity to join a company that pay affiliates and business partners up to 8 levels deep.
8 levels deep! That is huge!
Where will you find that kind of affiliate program?
It's right here in Nigeria!
How do you join?
Wednesday, 3 August 2016
Your inability to find solution to it
is the big "thingy", which is your fault.
Yes, we sometimes can't control it.
Once you have the money and live
a comfortable life, you really can't
control the tummy from shooting out.
We often say it's sign of wealth.
studies have proven it beyond doubt
that there are more hazards in having
big tummy. (Topic for another day)
If you are keen in getting solution
to yours, well... the product that i
will recommend for you is
Buy Slimfy and stay healthy.
By Summer Banks on Jul 02, 2016 Slimfy Review Bottom Line: In the diet industry, don’t mistake marketing for effectiveness. We did one of our in-depth reviews on Slimfy, scrutinizing the side effects, ingredients, clinical research and level of customer service. We additionally examined hundreds of dieter comments and forum posts. At this point we compacted all of the data we collected to give you the facts you need. We know about the trials and tribulations of trying to lose weight. All you want to know is if Slimfy is THE solution.
Well, we’re on the bubble. ByDaliaon October 24, 2014 I love this stuff! Earlier this year I had to lose the holiday weight for a shoot and I started this. In the first stage I didn't see much weight loss but I stayed consistent with diet and exercise. (Admittedly I was still eating sweets every other day! :/) then by the 2nd week of the stage 2 supplement, I noticed my pants were looser so obviously I continued into the third stage to see how much I could shed. I knew that having gained this over a span of 2 months that it would take some time to see my hard work paying off going the natural route instead of using instructive chemicals. To my surprise, not only did I lose 3 inches off my waist but I ended up losing 13 pounds as well!!! Too awesome!!! It gave me a lot of energy (I didn't need to half my daily Starbucks) and it also helped curve the chocolate cravings. I have already recommended this to my best friends and I'm starting my second full 90 day cycle today. Let's see how much more I can lose!!! Excited!!!! At the beginning of this year, I wanted to lose weight, then I purchased several food supplements I have seen on TV, but sadly I had no appreciable results in my body, so a good friend of mine advised me this treatment which has three stages, at first I thought it would be exhausting, but it is not so indeed. I am drinking second stage right now and I noticed I have lost about 6 kilograms (12 pounds). I will recommend to others friends. I've been struggling my whole life with my weight and I really hoped this would be the answer. I've gone ahead and ordered the product and signed up to the gym as well. I already lost more than a quarter of what I wanted before the end of the year and it’s been only two weeks so far. Is this crazy or what? I really felt like I need to post something about this stuff. Just wanted to share it./

is the big "thingy", which is your fault.
Yes, we sometimes can't control it.
Once you have the money and live
a comfortable life, you really can't
control the tummy from shooting out.
We often say it's sign of wealth.
studies have proven it beyond doubt
that there are more hazards in having
big tummy. (Topic for another day)
If you are keen in getting solution
to yours, well... the product that i
will recommend for you is
Buy Slimfy and stay healthy.
By Summer Banks on Jul 02, 2016 Slimfy Review Bottom Line: In the diet industry, don’t mistake marketing for effectiveness. We did one of our in-depth reviews on Slimfy, scrutinizing the side effects, ingredients, clinical research and level of customer service. We additionally examined hundreds of dieter comments and forum posts. At this point we compacted all of the data we collected to give you the facts you need. We know about the trials and tribulations of trying to lose weight. All you want to know is if Slimfy is THE solution.
Well, we’re on the bubble. ByDaliaon October 24, 2014 I love this stuff! Earlier this year I had to lose the holiday weight for a shoot and I started this. In the first stage I didn't see much weight loss but I stayed consistent with diet and exercise. (Admittedly I was still eating sweets every other day! :/) then by the 2nd week of the stage 2 supplement, I noticed my pants were looser so obviously I continued into the third stage to see how much I could shed. I knew that having gained this over a span of 2 months that it would take some time to see my hard work paying off going the natural route instead of using instructive chemicals. To my surprise, not only did I lose 3 inches off my waist but I ended up losing 13 pounds as well!!! Too awesome!!! It gave me a lot of energy (I didn't need to half my daily Starbucks) and it also helped curve the chocolate cravings. I have already recommended this to my best friends and I'm starting my second full 90 day cycle today. Let's see how much more I can lose!!! Excited!!!! At the beginning of this year, I wanted to lose weight, then I purchased several food supplements I have seen on TV, but sadly I had no appreciable results in my body, so a good friend of mine advised me this treatment which has three stages, at first I thought it would be exhausting, but it is not so indeed. I am drinking second stage right now and I noticed I have lost about 6 kilograms (12 pounds). I will recommend to others friends. I've been struggling my whole life with my weight and I really hoped this would be the answer. I've gone ahead and ordered the product and signed up to the gym as well. I already lost more than a quarter of what I wanted before the end of the year and it’s been only two weeks so far. Is this crazy or what? I really felt like I need to post something about this stuff. Just wanted to share it./

People who regularly take supplements or medication develop a phenomenon called "tolerance". Physical tolerance occurs when an organism builds up a resistance to the effects of a substance after repeated exposure. Decreased quantity of the substance reaching the site it affects. This is usually caused by an increase in induction of the enzymes required for degradation of the supplement. In other words, tolerance is a reduced response to repeated administration of the same dose or increase in the dose is required to produce the same magnitude of response. Once we begin to take supplement on a regular basis the dose response goes down - the same dose of medication produces less effect than it used to. Saying that the dose response to medication goes down is exactly the same as saying that medication tolerance goes up (and vice versa). Dose response and tolerance are mirror images of each other. As long as a steady use of medication is maintained, tolerance will tend to increase and dose response will tend to drop. In order to avoid this and get the expected result switching the products to those with different content or adding new ingredients is required.
* Visualization purpose only, actual results depend on diet and exercise
* Visualization purpose only, actual results depend on diet and exercise

studies indicate that anthocyanins may possess anti-cancer properties, fight obesity and enhance heart health. It's also known as a natural remedy for several health conditions, including arthritis, high cholesterol, fight obesity and enhance heart health.
is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis L plant, which is rich in polyphenol catechins and caffeine. There is increasing interest in the potential role of green tea extract (GTE) in fat metabolism and its influence on health and exercise performance.
is an excellent source of vitamin C. A compound extracted from lychee called Oligonol(R) have benefits for skin through improving the blood flow to the sub dermal skin layer and protecting it from damage.
helps to protect the liver against toxicity from acetaminophen (Tylenol), alcohol and other drugs. In Europe, milk thistle is reportedly administered to patients when they are given medications known to cause liver problems.
acts as a solvent and is thought to smooth the jagged edges of kidney stones. Hydrangea root also appears to help the body properly use calcium, an action that may be helpful for discouraging kidney stones from forming in the first place.
is a chemical from red raspberries that is thought to help for weight loss. Some research in animals or in test tubes shows that it might increase some measures of metabolism. It might also affect a hormone in the body called adiponectin.
beneficial to those trying to lose weight, according to a 2011 research review published in Gastroenterology Research and Practice focused on the available clinical trials testing green coffee extract's efficacy as a weight loss supplement.
is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb. It has been indicated for arthritis, fevers, headaches, toothaches, coughs, bronchitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, to ease tendonitis and lower cholesterol and blood-pressure.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a nutrient that occurs naturally in the body. CoQ10 is also in many foods we eat. CoQ10 acts as an antioxidant, which protects cells from damage and plays an important part in the metabolism.
GREEN TEA EXTRACT is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis L plant, which is rich in polyphenol catechins and caffeine. There is increasing interest in the potential role of green tea extract (GTE) in fat metabolism and its influence on health and exercise performance.

study result suggested that the it's soluble fiber content helps to slow digestion and absorption of dietary sugar. African mango extract fiber forces the body to convert more cholesterol into bile acids and thus helping with cholesterol levels.
are purported to curb appetite and reduce cravings. Some proponents suggest that saffron can help increase brain levels of serotonin (a chemical known to regulate mood) and, in turn, help prevent compulsive overeating and the associated weight gain.
is a popular natural remedy said to offer a broad range of health benefits. Found naturally in the skin of grapes, resveratrol is widely available in supplement form.
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